Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What killed Heavy Metal or is it alive and kickin today?

Back in the eighties, many of us were rockin to all of our favorite heavy metal bands and in my opinion never saw the changes that were about to happen, take place. Glam happened! The record companies thought in there infinite wisdom that putting makeup on the guys along with the big poofy hair was a great idea. Well, ironically enough, every record company in the industry thought this was a good idea and it changed the way many of us looked at our favorite bands. I mean really people, look at poison. 
If you didnt know they were men you would swear they were hot chicks. Many people had the opinion that heavy metal was all about awesome power rifs and bangin their heads to some seriously heavy jams. Dee Snyder said it best, when he said "Heavy metal is pluggin to two marshal stacks and riding the lightening", and as loud and hard as you can. If any of you have seen the interview with him, he was referring to the power ballad and unplugged phase. Whats freakin heavy about that? They sold out in my opinion. The decline to what we all loved was on its way. Now as far as what they call metal today, is nothing like the era of heavy metal we all loved. Now thats one view. Its time for U speak!!! Please leave a comment below.

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